Glogal Defence & Security Solutions

Web Design & Development
I provided Global Defence & Safety Solutions (GDSS) with a highly customized web design and development service that included a Joomla template and was fully responsive. The idea was to encapsulate information so that users could easily find what they needed. The design included contours around the content that adapted to the section the user was in, improving navigation and making the site easier to use. With this solution, GDSS was able to present its service offerings in a clear and effective way online.
Global Defence & Safety Solutions (GDSS) is an agency that provides access to the defense, security, and safety markets of the European and Asia/Pacific regions. They offer their clients the most advanced leading-edge security technologies and products, including digital wireless, video, audio, telemetry, and IP solutions, multimedia management solutions, advanced video analytics, and storage management. GDSS specializes in remote information security, sensitive data management and retrieval, and asset tracking and reporting platform with unique and revolutionary features. They are leaders in kitting out military, police, fire, and rescue forces with covert and overt body-worn surveillance gear, peripheral vision, and photopic lighting gear, and other highly durable and portable kit to make their jobs easier and safer.
Year: 2008
Agency: FWC Advertising